Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pregnancy Belly Rings Pregnancy Belly Button Rings ?

Pregnancy belly button rings ? - pregnancy belly rings

Any body heard or used the pregnancy belly button rings? I have a ring I'm 21 weeks of pregnancy is increasing daily and it seems Buuuuut've worked very hard to keep this piercing and if I avoid avoid, I will have to be eliminated. I think the "Ring of pregnancy buy" in line if they think someone Expierience all the help you did!


Brownie said...

My older sister considers her the whole time and also think. My doctor told me that have the only way they retire, if I need a Caesarean section. I just ordered, received and I am mom4life.com plastic instead of metal as it bends with your growing belly. It is about 2 inches long and can be cut to fit the belly. In this way, you do not have a scar and stretch their holes.

thedaddy said...

My wife had a ring in the belly to 5mth pregnant with our twins, but decided to retire, he felt unwell.
If you have any complaints, and I really want to have the piercing, I think one of the rings "pregnancy" would be worth a try

Jodie B said...

I had 3 years ago and took my ring to 13 weeks and the holes are still open. Frankly, it would be easy to delete

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